CIERA’s network directory

The CIERA community includes more than 1,000 students, PhD students, post-docs and university teachers working in connection with the German-speaking area in the humanities and social sciences.


This CIERA Community Directory is an interactive tool for researchers, journalists and the general public. It allows you to identify and connect with the researchers in our network in France, Germany and beyond. The search and filter function in the left-hand column can be used to navigate the directory more easily.

Are you a present or future researcher in humanities and social sciences, working in connection with the German-speaking area? Register here and become a member of our community.

Want to get in touch with a colleague? Log in to use the contact form.

Are you a journalist? Contact us to be put in touch directly with the network's researchers.



Université Paris-Nord-Paris XIII
Ora et Domina. Puissance des abbesses dans le royauame de France et dans le St Empire, XIIIe XVe siècle
Doctorant contractuel

Edern De Barros

Université François-Rabelais Tours
Germanisme, Charlemagne, Histoire franco-allemande, Régime mixte, Constitutionnalisme
ATER (attaché temporaire d'enseignement et de recherche)

Benoît Montaut

Sorbonne Université - Lettres
Relations franco-allemandes, Traité de l'Elysée, Traité d'Aix-la-Chapelle
Doctorant contractuel

Thomas Riehm

Universität Passau
Abwägungsentscheidungen in der praktischen Rechtsanwendung, Der Grundsatz der Naturalerfüllung
Droit des obligations (Schuldrecht), Droit privé communautaire (Gemeinschaftsprivatrecht), Théorie générale du Droit (Allgemeine Rechtstheorie), Zivilprozessrecht (Procédure civile)
Professeur des Universités